EAZA campaigns

The EAZA campaigns are awareness and fund-raising campaigns promoted by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.
The Bioparco has been participating in the EAZA campaigns since 2000.
These campaigns are thematic and are aimed at actively involving citizens, especially the young, to encourage the adoption of sustainable behaviours in favour of biodiversity conservation.
Over the years, the EAZA campaigns have dealt with many topics, with the aim of in situ conservation of species and habitats threatened by extinction, especially through the financial support deriving from the important fund-raising action of zoological gardens: an example of how education on conservation, promoted by recent international guidelines, is an essential element of the conservation activity implemented by zoos.
Moreover, each year many zoos that are members of EAZA join the EAZA campaigns, allowing the achievement of an economically important amount to be allocated to in situ projects.